Interview with Micheline el Housseini Timbrell (Phi Management MD)
Phi News
Micheline el Housseini Timbrell. L’entrepreneuriat dans les veines
All the details about the Gamification Certification happening on 11th and 12th of July, 2019. Check it now !
A straight forward basic answer
Gamification Workshop
Join us on July 11&12, 2019
Contact us for more details
on 961 1 393335
Phi Management | Q3 Public Programs and Certifications
On a scale of 5, is it a 2 or a 3 on strategic thinking ?🤔 Assessors ready to justify their rating: CALIBRATION day...
Assessors Skills Certification, Fattal Group, HR team
How do you assess and evaluate a business case against managerial and business competencies? Skills practice. Assessors skills certification : Fattal Group HR team
Phi Management Public Speaking Program: IGNITE.
Ready to inspire, convince and engage?
Azadea Group | Country Managers
Looking for an accredited program in EXECUTIVE COACHING Diploma?
2019 Public Programs
Train the Trainer Certification® | Instructional Design & Dynamic Delivery:
Save the dates:
• Module#1: September 11,12 &13, 2019
• Module#2: September 19 & 20, 2019
• Assessment days: October 2 & 3, 2019
Total Doha Management Program:
Building Alignment Through Communication
Murex Public Speaking | The Podium program
Public Speaking and Communication: Impromptu story telling game used in our programs. Try to make your story in 1 minute!
The Podium | Phi Management Public Speaking and Corporate Presentations ; best selling product 2018 with high customer satisfaction and ROI
Great 3-day OLP
(Organizational Learning Practices) Program with Oil and Gaz companies in Doha organized by Total; Qatar Petroleum, North Oil Company and Dolphin Energy
Phi Management New Solutions: Organizational Learning Program
Embracing the feedback culture!
L'Oreal Management teams in Lebanon
Happening now; Phi team kicking off 2019 with another psychometric certification/ Korn Ferry
Impactful Communication Skills: Our partnership with Murex delivering this program continues for the 6th year: Games, concepts, models and self-assessments...
Do you want to develop your training delivery skills and techniques?
Train the Trainer Certification©, Delivery focus!
SGBL Training department team 👍
Total Doha; Impactful Communication Skills
Roadster Diner | On the Job Train the Trainer Certification
What is the value that psychoanalytic theory can add to the study of organisational behaviour?
Organisational Behaviours | 4 Benefits
Savile Row is one of the distinguished features of assessment centres’ tools
Artificial Intelligence: HR transactions with no human interactions?
Gamification used in Phi Management programs:
Different games used for different learning objectives
Spare some time this month for a MUST READ book; great messages about self-discovery, self-development and achievements
Why are digital games becoming one of the popular instructional tools?
ABC Talents Academy Graduation
Phi Train the Trainer Certification® | Instructional Design and Dynamic Delivery
Phi Management 2017: Upgraded E-Learning Modules
Phi Management: New and Upgraded Solutions
Phi Management 2017: New and Upgraded Solutions
Dynamic Conversations Programme
Phi Management Corporate Academies 2016 - 2017 | ABC Talents Academy
Phi Management New Training Program: Cultural Understanding
E-learning in Most of Phi Learning Programs
Editor's Choice
Q&A with Micheline El Housseini Timbrell, 2016
Mrs. Micheline El Housseini Timbrell, Managing Director, Phi Management Group
Q&A with Micheline El Housseini Timbrell, on Phi strategic moves. ... |
Generation Z, work values and attitudes
Feb-Mar 2015 Mrs. Micheline El Housseini Timbrell
How to act to manage Gen Z to satisfy hospitality customers' needs
Each generation entering the world of work will impose its values and r... |
Q&A with Micheline El Housseini Timbrell, 2014
May - June 2014 Mrs. Micheline El Housseini Timbrell, Managing Director, Phi Management Group
The chief function of businesses in the hospitality industry is to serve people. In your opinion are hospitality staff being adequately tra... |
First job fundamentals
Jan - Feb 2014 Mrs. Micheline El Housseini Timbrell
First job fundamentals
Get one step ahead with our insider knowledge on how to search for the all important first job in hospitality.
Time to talk woman to woman:
Leading ladies of hospitality open up about achievements, challenges, and aspirations
February - March 2010 Mrs. Micheline El Housseini Timbrell
Time to talk woman to woman
Leading ladies of hospitality open up about achievements, challenges, and aspirations When Hospitality N... |
Training and Development:
Presentation Skills and Public Speaking
July - August 2007 Mrs. Micheline El Housseini Timbrell
Prepare your structure
It is essential to prepare your speech or your presentation even if you are only planning to talk for 5 minutes. An... |
Lessons From Great Communicators: "Tim Cook and Steve Jobs on stage”, Micheline El Housseini Timbrell comments (Phi Management | MD)
Mrs. Micheline El Housseini Timbrell, Managing Director, Phi Management Group
Lesson 18: Unconsciously an audience compares between a speaker and his predecessor.
“... |
Phi Management and Best Practices: Agile Project Management
The business world has fallen under fixation with Agile Project Management recently, come to think of it, it is said and proven to be one of the mo... |
Phi Management Talks Around: Let's kill the myth. How has the definition of listening skills evolved
We need to clear the thoughts around listening skills. The fact is we spend around 62 % percent of our time listening and how much do we retain aro... |
Phi Management Talks Around: Importance of Problem Solving
In this agile world of business we all need three forms of applied thinking in order to survive; decision making, problem solving, and creative thi... |
Phi Management Recommends a Book: Schools That Succeed
How Educators Marshal the Power of Systems for Improvement
By Karin Chenoweth...
Phi Management Talks Around: Is Having a Vision a Necessity for Success?
Daimler Group, the world’s third-largest premium carmaker appointed Dieter Zetsche as its CEO back in 2006 replacing Jurgen Schrempp; the man... |
Interview with Micheline el Housseini Timbrell (Phi Management MD)
Mrs. Micheline El Housseini Timbrell, Managing Director, Phi Management Group
Phi Management Talks Around: Importance of EQ within Corporate and Social Environment
One of the trendiest topics of current times is Emotional Intelligence. Why? It’s simple, numerous are the times when you get into an argumen... |
Phi Management: Assessment Centres: From World War II To Present Day
Looking back at the history of assessment centres – they originated in a military context by the German intelligence and were refined by the ... |
Phi Management Talks Around: Gamification of Learning, a Temporary Trend or a Sustainable Solution?
The idea of using games for learning is not new. Games are part of day to day life, entertaining users, but at the sa... |
Phi Management Talks Around: DiSC Personality Profiling - One of Phi’s Leadership Development Tools
DiSC is a behavior assessment tool which centers on four different behavioral traits: dominance, influence, steadines... |
Phi Management Articles: Have you ever wondered why connecting with some people is easier for you than others?
When planning a vacation, do you plan by the hour everything that you need to do and really get upset if things don’t go according to your pl... |
Phi Management Articles: Employee Engagement and Learning Academies
It has been said that employee engagement is the emotional attachment which employees feel towards their work-place, job role, position within the ... |
Phi Management Talks Around: Should Training Organization Rely More on Social Learning
Social Learning became the rallying cry for a generation that connects over the internet. Nowadays, any millennial who enters the workforce prefers... |
Phi Management Articles: Catering for Different Learning Styles in eLearning
Learning design is all about designing the right learning for the right audience, catering for different learning styles and maximizing the opportu... |
Phi Management Articles: Agile Performance Management
Today's employees expect change; for them change should be intuitive, flexible, relevant and current.
When it comes to the 'current' compone... |
Social Media
Phi Management recommends: Elevating Learning & Development
L&D - From evolution to revolution According to Mckinsey research as many as 800 millions jobs could be displaced by automation by 2030. T...
Phi Management Book Library: "To Pixar and Beyond": My Unlikely Journey with Steve Jobs to Make Entertainment History (Lawrence Levy, 2016)
“To Pixar and Beyond” is amazon best book of 2016 in business & leadership, it is the never before told story of Pixar's improbable...
Phi Management Recommends: "La La Land" (Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling and John Legend, 2016). The Joy and Pain of pursuing your own dreams…
Why "La La Land” breaks the record for most Golden Globes won by a movie? People are in need today of such magi...
Phi Management Shares an Interesting Report: A New Blueprint for HR
A recent report released by Accenture titled ‘A New Blueprint for HR,’ identified six new operating models that can make Human Resource...
Phi Management at the Learning Technologies Summer Forum | London, June 2017
Learning Technologies summer forum is certainly the largest event of its type in Europe and widely regarded as one of major workplace learning even...
Phi Management Recommends a Book: The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History (Boris Johnson, 2014)
Watch Boris Johnson talking about Winston Churchill talent as a great orator.
Phi Management offers Speakers Corner® | Public Speaking &...
Lessons From Great Communicators
Lesson 103:
Stage Fright
What to think before taking the stage.
Lesson 104:
PowerPoint is becoming obsolete; have you started using infographics?
Lesson 105:
Don McMillan
Remember, PowerPoint slides are not the presentation, YOU are!
Lesson 106:
Bill Gates
Creating ON STAGE experience
Lesson 107:
Benjamin Zander
Engaging the audience with Passion