Job Analysis - to identify job competencies and behavioural classifications
Competencies Classification - a range of techniques to ensure comprehensive coverage of attributes and skills, and to increase the reliability of evaluations, including but not limited to:
- group exercises and discussions
- ‘'in-tray'/'in-basket' exercises
- case studies
- role play/negotiation
- competitive activities
- behavioural simulation
- interview simulations with 'subordinates' or 'customers'
- in-depth interview
- analysis/decision-making problems
- presentations
- written communication exercises
- fact finding exercises
- ability tests
- psychometric tests
- cognitive tests
Multiple Assessors – highly-trained certified individuals who observe, evaluate and record objectively, ensuring accuracy and impartiality
Data Integration – includes a range of exercises specifically designed to evaluate group or individual behaviour and simulate the actual interactions and challenges found in the workplace
Final Report – a Post-Mangrove® evaluation meeting integrates data gathered from multiple assessors into a final report.